About Us

With the cooperation of our great business partners around the world, including Europe, China, the Middle East and by the knowledge of our experienced team, we strive to provide high standard services to our valued customers and deliver their consignments safely and carefully. Our mission is to provide different commercial and transportation services with the highest standards and competitive rates in the market.

Barizan trading Company has been established on the basis of commercial goals by providing services such as import, export, customs clearance, Ecommerce, international interface to expand your commercial activities in other countries, international marketing, finding reliable business partner, providing different modes of transportation (by air, sea, road) , etc. We are making an effort to create a different service from more than 202 countries around the world which will be fast, accurate and affordable.

By concerning the suggestions and criticisms of our dear customers as well as investing in staff training to empower them to meet the needs of customers, we seek to further expand and develop the quality of our services.